Since intelligence is about questioning everything, let’s question it. The problem with the modern human is the ‘Arrogance of Intelligence’ - in which the colonial-based elevation of intelligence as a superior human trait is devolving into self-destruction with the polycrisis we now face. You have to wonder what is intelligent about self-destruction? That’s what happens when we live in our brains 24/7.
We’ve built the global education system (again with colonial values) on maximizing intelligence at the expense of other human traits and other ways of knowing - sounds like a cult. Colonialists bewitched us that intelligent is the thing to be.
Earth has been around for billions of years, so you could say that in less than 2 minutes of human existence on earth, particularly at the onset of the colonial witchcraft, human intelligence is destroying earth with the intelligent human beings on it.
How about we learn from nature. Nature is not trying to maximise anything and that is why it is able to meet diverse functions and be around for billions of years. When we stop centering the Victorian ego, maybe we can assume another kind of intelligence, one that isn’t about maximizing itself but giving space for diverse ways of knowing, being and living - that's nature's eco-centric intelligence.